Q: Where can I buy Olympiada Gear?
A: Right here, silly! Also, at your local Gym or nutrition store (currently in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Iowa, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Missouri, Kansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Ohio, Arizona and California) or from one of our many reps in all forms of fitness (includingTeam USA Olympic Weight-Lifting, Crossfit Circuits, Major League Baseball, and IFBB Pros).
Q: Do you guys have fitness equipment for women?
A: Yes, all of our gear is unisex for both men and women.
Q: What if I am unhappy with my purchase or something is disrupting me from my usual gainz?
A: Olympiada offers a lifetime guarantee on all of our equipment to provide the best warranty policy in the game.
Q: Is Olympiada only sold online?
A: NO! You can only buy our entire catalog of Olympiada Gear online- BUT We are in dozens of stores in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Iowa, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Missouri, Kansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Ohio, Arizona and California and currently making progress on building some licensing agreements with big name box stores so stay tuned!!!
Q: Do you sponsor fitness athletes?
A: At the moment we have sponsored athletes and WE ARE ALWAYS currently looking at expanding our team. If you are interested in becoming an Olympiada athlete, email us at olympiadagear@gmail.com